GETA is inviting all children from Year 1 up to Year 6 to design a Christmas card to send to St Theresa's School in Uganda. The card (in an unsealed envelope) should be a maximum of A5 size (210 x 148mm) when folded in half, and can have whatever illustration you like on the front and a greeting inside. There will be a £10 National Book Tokens spend card for the best design, so get creative.
To be eligible for the prize could parents provide their child's name and contact details on a separate sheet in the envelope and leave in the marked box at the back of St Margaret's Catholic Church mass room – please note the extended deadline which is Sunday 20th November. The cards will be sent to Uganda by GETA to be given out to the children before their Christmas break. St Theresa's will then encourage the children who receive the cards to send a reply to share with our parish in the New Year.
Although this is not a 'fundraiser' please consider a donation to GETA by clicking on our "donate" button.