Last Sunday I was very pleased to receive a cheque for £4,000, our proceeds from this year's Lenten Project. The fun-run / walk / crawl / stagger(!) along Twickenham Riverside and through Marble Hill Park and back to the Barmy Arms pub raised just over £1,600 and other events and generous donations from parishioners brought the total to £8,000 . This was shared between GETA and Richmond Integrated Neurological Services.
Last Sunday afternoon - 20th March - a fabulous number of families, and individuals, young and old took part in the Lenten fund-raising fun run. People ran, walked, scooted and cycled along the fabulous two-mile route along Twickenham Embankment, Riverside and around Marble Hill park. The sunshine certainly helped and our communal fundraising was a happy occasion.
Thanks to Kathryn who stepped in when the original organiser, David, fell ill with Covid, and thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the event run so smoothly.
GETA has been selected as the Overseas Charity for St Margaret's Lenten Project this year. The project raises funds through Parish initiatives and fundraising events, and our share of the funds will go towards two major projects:
A really big thank you to the organisers and participants at the latest "Men's Breakfast" at St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church for an insightful presentation by Peter Desmond on the sequel to COP 26, titled not unsurprisingly "COP 27 - The Sequel". Peter shared his life experience in faith and how this led him to work for a number of years on sustainable development - aka "The Circular Economy" - across Africa.
Perfect running weather for this event - dry with the temperature in the mid-teens so no chance of heatstroke!. I completed the course in the official time of 1h 33m 37s and an age grading of 62.68%. I have it on good authority that anything over 60% is regarded as "good", so I am very pleased with my performance. Thanks to all those who came along to cheer on the runners, and also to those who have donated so far - your generosity is much appreciated by the pupils and staff of St Theresa's.
This year has been tough for everyone and no-one has been left untouched by the pandemic. It has been especially hard for the children and families of St Theresa’s school, but at GETA we are so fortunate to have supporters who, despite their own hardships, have been so incredibly generous this year.
A huge thank you to our supporters for your ongoing generosity that has enabled the completion of the boys' dormitory, teachers’ quarters and laid the foundations of the girls' dormitory at St Theresa’s school.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Christine Nyiraziraje, the Headteacher of St Theresa’s. Christine would like us to convey her gratitude for your support in completing these much-needed works.
GETA – Give Education to All
GETA has not been able to have any fundraising events to support St Theresa’s School in Uganda for the last few months. The school has been closed due to the pandemic and the teachers have been sent home with no pay and no government support.
Dear Supporters,
With glorious sunshine and the spring flowers in full bloom, we approach Easter not with our usual expectation of coming out of the winter months into a beautiful Spring of new activity. Instead we stay indoors and hope that our loved ones stay safe in these uncertain times.
We have heard from our contacts at St Theresa’s that they are following the ‘stay home, stay safe’ advice. We trust that the children, their families and the staff remain safe and well during this time..